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24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2020): Cambridge, UK >>> New dates: 23-27 August 2021

Department A-Z



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As a result of the current pandemic, it will not be possible to run MTNS in August 2020, as initially scheduled. Because we think that the format and spirit of MTNS are not compatible with an online conference, we have reached the decision, after careful discussions with the Steering Committee and our co-sponsor IFAC, to postpone MTNS 2020 until 23-27 August 2021. Online registration has been suspended as well as final paper uploads. Further information for authors will be provided under Author Information. The conference venue will remain unchanged. Further details of the new arrangements will be posted on the website in due course. We would like to convey our warmest good wishes to all MTNS participants in the mean time. Yours sincerely, Malcolm Smith and Rodolphe Sepulchre.


Key Dates


Author Information


MTNS is a major symposium in the general area of mathematical systems theory, networks and control. The symposium is interdisciplinary and attracts mathematicians, engineers and researchers working in all aspects of systems theory and its applications. The symposium is held every two years. Mathematical methods which play a role in the areas mentioned above stem from a broad range of fields of pure and applied mathematics, including ordinary and partial differential equations, real and complex analysis, numerical analysis, probability theory and stochastic analysis, operator theory, linear and commutative algebra as well as algebraic and differential geometry. Application areas range from biology, communications and mathematical finance to problems in electrical, mechanical, aerospace and chemical engineering, and robotics. The satellite meeting IWOTA takes place in the preceding week in Lancaster, U.K.

