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Adam Roberts
Adam Roberts thumbnail
Adam Roberts Incredible jams. These two pairs of players lock in and create something mysterious and exciting through their spirited improvisation. Favorite track: Nublu Jam, Part 2.
J. M. Hart aka rowjimmy
J. M. Hart aka rowjimmy thumbnail
J. M. Hart aka rowjimmy Full quartet improvisation, ripe with the fresh energy of a new combo. Favorite track: Nublu Jam, Part 2.
Lars Gotrich
Lars Gotrich You can hear the collective gears turn from free-floating psychedelia to a Grateful Dead choogle to spectral motorik groove. The second jam, in particular, slams a surprising hard-rock blooze. Favorite track: Nublu Jam, Part 2.
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    Available exclusively via Bandcamp in North America and Forte Distribution in the EU/UK. The first pressing of 500 copies will be translucent yellow vinyl.

    Includes digital pre-order of First Flight. You get 2 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    shipping out on or around August 28, 2020

      $20 USD or more 


  • 比特加速器vip账号分享

    Pre-order of First Flight. You get 2 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Purchasable with gift card
    releases August 28, 2020

      $10 USD  or more


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Remember live music? "First Flight" documents about 40 minutes of jams recorded during the third week of my September residency at Nublu last year, and, for me, this show was just about the most enjoyable hour of music I played all year.

The ideal of the residency was to mix things up with special guests, different band lineups, and varied set lists, keeping things fresh and new week-to-week, and this show was the wild card of the bunch.

That's because although Ryan and I have played together for years, and Dave and Spencer have played together for years, neither half of the band had ever met each other. I was tangentially aware of Dave and his music and was intrigued by what I'd heard, so I thought it was a cool idea when Chris Tart, the residency promoter, suggested a collaboration.

So, about 30 minutes after we'd all heard each others voices for the first time, we got up and played for a little over an hour, uninterrupted. The only thing discussed beforehand was that we shouldn't discuss anything beforehand - not a key or a riff to start with, nothing - so as to preserve maximum spontaneity.

I think this music demonstrates a real connection on stage. In other words, each player was completely present and actively listening on the bandstand. Listening back, there are moments I can hear Ryan saying - musically - "Hey, let's go over here! Check this out!," or Spencer being like "Wouldn't it be cool to go down this path?" And we followed. And it was cool.

In my mind, that listening thing is the number one most important factor in any collaboration or cooperative effort, but especially in improvised music.

And I think it's fair to say that a little more listening, a little more presence, would do the whole world some good right about now, don't you think?

-Chris Forsyth

Note: 10% of all pre-sales of "First Flight" on July 3 will be donated to Black Lives Matter.


releases August 28, 2020

Chris Forsyth - guitar
Dave Harrington - guitar, electronics
Ryan Jewell - drums, percussion
Spencer Zahn - bass

Recorded by Onur Gül, Live @ Nublu, NYC, September 20, 2019
Mixed by Jeff Zeigler @ Uniform Recording, Philadelphia
Mastered by James Plotkin
Photos by Tre Cassetta
Design by Eliza Weber

Produced by Brucie Millions


all rights reserved



Chris Forsyth 安卓ssr小工具打不开

“...a scrappy and mystical historian… His music humanizes the element of control in rock classicism (and) turns it into a woolly but disciplined ritual.”
-NY Times

“...a near-perfect balance between 70s rock tradition and present day experimentation,”

“ of rock’s most lyrical guitar improvisors,”
-NPR Music

Contact: Kevin Monty
... more


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