• 粉飞机ssr


    This photo was taken on April 17, 2012.

    Animal Carcass Hanging Out in Dickson's


    I tend to go back and forth on whether I prefer to run before or after work – before work means I can go out after work while after work means I get to sleep in. But when I do run after work, I always make sure it gets me to sunset while looking across the East River. Look at the photo and you’ll know what I mean.

    This photo was taken on April 24, 2014.



    To close out their final night of a six-night run at The Beacon Theatre, socket5客户端破解版 invited a few of their closest friends to the stage where they led a group sing-along of “Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks” with the audience.

    This photo was taken on December 17, 2011.

    The National (and Friends)

    Pittsburgh from Mount Washington

    Writing this while sitting at LGA for a flight to Pittsburgh, I thought now would be a good time to unearth a photo from my first trip ever there. Waaaaay back in September 2012, I went there to visit My Buddy Mike and to run a 10K. On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, we rode bikes out from his place in Squirrel Hill and over to one of the inclines. After taking the funicular up, we were treated to this gorgeous view of downtown Pittsburgh.

    This photo was taken on September 29, 2012.


    Faded Subway Map(s)

    If you know me, you’ll know that I’m a huge transit nerd. If you really know me, you’ll know I LOVE subway maps. The colors, the schema, the data – what’s not to love? Here, you can see the remnants of several maps which, when stitched together, are comically mismatched. I mean, there’s lines that don’t exist anymore (V, W) and the Williamsburg Bridge crossing is all Nassau Ave in one and Nassau/Sixth in the other. It’s kinda beautiful, really.

    These photos were taken on March 25, 2012.


    【超级眼局域网监控软件】超级眼电脑监控软件 8.30-ZOL ...:2021-6-7 · 超级眼电脑监控软件规范员工上班时间的上网行为,提高员工工作效率,减少企业资源浪费,杜绝企业商业机密泄露。 超级眼电脑监控软件系统是一款企业专用的局域网电脑监控软件,可以实时远程监控单个员工电脑屏幕,也可以自动记录电脑的各种操作,如键盘记录,聊天记录、邮件记录、屏幕 ...

    This photo was taken on October 7, 2013.

    Purple Sunset

    Watch Out, Rex!

    I don’t remember where he came from but this inflatable dinosaur, Rex, became the unofficial mascot for Club MPs in 2012. He made the arduous journey from 5 to 3R with us and many a can of air was spent keeping him alive. Alas, his current status? Deflated.

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    Watch Out, Rex!