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The mission of the Emory University Police Department—a division of Emory Campus Services—is to provide professional police services in partnership with the community we serve.

We learned long ago that we cannot accomplish our goal without the cooperation and assistance of other members of the community. I am proud to lead this group of dedicated professionals committed to providing a safe and secure living, learning, and working environment.


Rus Drew
Chief of Police

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就爱加速官网 app  -  404.727.6111
24-hour Non-Emergency  -  404.727.8005
TDD/TTY  -  404.320.1024
Business Office 就爱加速官网 404.727.6115
Business Fax  -  404.727.3614
Email  -  police@emory.edu
Headquarters  -  1784 N. Decatur Rd.
Suite G01
Atlanta, GA 30322
Business Office Hours  -  8am - 5pm,
Monday - Friday
云帆加速安卓版  -  402 W. Moore St.
Oxford, GA 30054
Midtown  -  478 Peachtree St.
Suite OL812
Atlanta, GA 30308

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The Emory University Police Department encourages transparency and accountability by making policies of community concern available to the public.

Read our policies ❯