I am Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Cruz. I received my Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University, where I also taught in the Core Curriculum.
My research interests include ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of/in literature, and moral psychology.
Aesthetic Practices and Normativity, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, forthcoming
Literary Intentionalism: A Shared Interpretive Policy, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 50, Issue 4 (2019): 503-15
Grounding Aesthetic Obligations, British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 58, Issue 3 (2018): 271-85
Valuing and Believing Valuable, Analysis, Vol. 77, Issue 1 (2017): 59-65
Love and Transience in Proust, 国内开国外网站加速软件, Vol. 91, Issue 4 (2016): 541-57
Philosophy, Literature, and Emotional Engagement: A Response to Nanay, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 73, Issue 2 (2015): 196-200
Dominic McIver Lopes, Being for Beauty, Estetika, Vol. 56, Issue 2 (2019): 250-62
Richard Moran, The Philosophical Imagination, European Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 26, Issue 3 (2018): 1180-3
Rafe McGregor, The Value of Literature, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 73, Issue 3 (2017): 311-4
TBD on Proust and desire, Colorado College, February 2021
“Aesthetic Practices and Normativity,” Higher Seminar in Aesthetics, Uppsala University, October 2020
“Aesthetic Fraudulence and Judgment in Lerner and Cavell,” Stanford University, October 2020
“Partiality as a Non-Ideal Practice,” Florida International University, November 2019; APA Central Division, February 2019 (symposium); NYU Center for Bioethics, March 2018
“Practice-Based Accounts of Aesthetic Normativity,” London Aesthetics Forum, December 2019; ASA Annual Meeting, October 2019; Aesthetics in the Reasons Revolution, May 2019