

Blog9 hours ago

Does Trump not realize that if people do not get back to work, there will be no recovery at all?


As 20 million Americans fall into unemployment, no crisis is so big that anyone in Washington would think of cutting military spending, including dollars spent on military gear for cops.



Thanks to central banks, people now believe the myth that it is possible to shut down the economy and everything will be fine if we just print a lot of new money.  


08/01/2020Articles of Interest

In every country that has moved toward socialism, the phase of the development in which socialism becomes a determining influence on politics has been preceded by a period during which socialist ideals governed the thinking of the more active intellectuals.



Hunter Hastings joins Jeff Deist with great insights into the social benefits of profit vs. interest, entrepreneurial risk, progressing and retrogressing economies, and the bunkum known as the "Paradox of Saving." They focus on Chapter 8 of Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State. 



The global "elites" of the World Economic Forum seek a "Great Reset" that will usher in a new and far more powerful technocracy defined by central planning and the end of freedom as we know it.



The highly regulated, protectionist Japanese economy, and an overall collectivist culture, leaves little room for flexibility in executive pay. This makes Japanese businesses less competitive, and work life more miserable.


Economist James Buchanan thinks that a state is necessary, because people wouldn't be able to agree on the boundaries of their rights.



Debt matters, even if interest rates are low. Increasing debt and spending means lower growth and weaker real wages in the future.



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11/07/2020Lake Jackson, Texas


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