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Hawthorne School District

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    2016 National Blue Ribbon School
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    2010 National Blue Ribbon School
    2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 US News and World Report Best High Schools
    2015, 2016 and 2017 US News and World Report Best High Schools


    HMSA Awarded 2016 National Blue Ribbon, Again!

    Blue Ribbon High School

    HMSA Events


    求手机梯子Principal Esau Berumen has been a member of the Hawthorne School  District family since 1997.  He began his career as a long term substitute teacher at York Elementary School. After one month as a substitute teacher, he became the 7th Grade Life Science teacher at Hawthorne Intermediate School, which is now known as Hawthorne Middle School.

    In 2003, Mr. Berumen applied for and became the first Biology teacher at the soon to be open Hawthorne Math & Science Academy, HMSA. He is one of the six HMSA founding teachers. As the school grew, he became the Science Department Chair and the school’s College Prep Advisor.  During his last year of teaching Biology at HMSA, he received the school’s Teacher of the Year award.  In 2007, Mr. Berumen became the assistant principal of HMSA, and in 2010 he became HMSA’s third principal. In 2016, Mr. Berumen was awarded the Hawthorne School District's Roger G. Bly Leadership Award. During his tenure, HMSA has been awarded the National Blue Ribbon Award twice, 2010 and 2016.

    Mr. Berumen earned his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Occidental College.  He earned both his teaching credential and his first Master’s degree in Cross Cultural Education from National University.  In 2004, he went back to school to earn both his administrative credential and second Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from California State University Northridge. In 2012, Occidental College’s Alumni Association awarded him the Young Alumni Seal Award. Recently, Occidental College’s Alumni Association awarded Mr. Berumen the 2017 Alumni Seal Award for Professional Achievement.

    Mr. Berumen has been married for 15 years and is father to three children. Two of his children will be attending schools in the Hawthorne School District this coming year. In his free time, he enjoys being with his family, reading books, and watching an occasional game of rugby.




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    "HMSA is committed to preparing all students--regardless of gender, ethnicity, primary language or special needs status--for future success. Our challenging program prepares all students for university and career success through a rigorous, standards-based curriculum within a safe and cooperative learning community. All students will develop advanced math, science, and communication skills and have the opportunity to enroll in Advanced Placement courses to gain an academic advantage in their university and career paths. Results of formative and summative assessments provide opportunities for accountability, reflection, recognition, and growth. All students will be held to the same high expectations and provided resources and support to ensure success based on their academic and social needs. In order to progress, the input and participation of all school community members is encouraged and valued through a collaborative process."

    2019 California Distinguished School
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    Gold Ribbon School 2015